Posts by Dagalidis

    This is an easy way to RUN your Push Node Notification Server over Https (SSL) Connection.
    Just follow the next steps and you will be Fine.

    First of all go to your installation directory (Full Path)
    example => /var/www/vhosts/your_domain_folder/wcf/acp/be.bastelstu.wcf.nodePush
    Create a folder named Keys
    find and copy the cert_pem keys from your server in keys directory
    Give on keys folder the correct owner and group (the same with your domain folder) by using chown -hR owner:group command

    Now open the file with an editor
    Find the app = do express in this file and paste the next code after it..

    privateKey = fs.readFileSync( './keys/your_privatekey_pem' ) 
    certificate = fs.readFileSync( './keys/your_certificate_pem' )
    cakey = fs.readFileSync( './keys/your_ca_pem' )
    options = {key: privateKey, cert: certificate, ca: cakey}

    Then find server = (require 'http').Server app and replace it with server = (require 'https').createServer options, app

    In your config file use the next settings...

    Now you are ready to start your node using npm start command

    In your WBB4 ACP goto System => Options => General => System tab
    and replace the Push Server Host (nodePush) with https://your_domain_name:9001
    and Message Address with unix://{WCF_DIR}acp/be.bastelstu.wcf.nodePush/tmp/inbound.sock (default value)

    Now you can test if the node is accessible by your browser "https://your_domain:9001"

    Thats all guys !!!! :thumbup:

    When URL of images have Spaces like " image/a nice day.jpg" then the script fails to reproduce valid image.
    The image is only visible inside the editor and not in the post.
    I think you have to check the URLs for spaces and replace them with ...

    I try to solve the problem by adding the $url = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', '$url'); in ProxyListener.class.php but is not working...
    Maybe needed to apply this patch over the IMG BBcode.

    This Plugin is AWESOME, and it helps my to keep my Site (SSL) clear of mixed security contents warnings.
    Now all imgs are outgoing through internal source (Proxy) and the SSL is clear... :thumbup:

    The only negative is that adding a little more delay in Page Speed but is ok..
    My forums are at

    BTW : Why I can't see any content of any forums ?
    All the forums are empty for me, but I see that existing many posts which are not visible by me.